Limited Liability Company
“Voyage Park Hotel”
Primary State Registration Number 1087746496881
Address: 121552, Moscow, Krylatskaya Str., 12, Build. 4
How to get to the hotel
10 min by bus №229 from the “Molodezhnaya” subway station (you need to go out of the first subway car from the center, then from the subway hall to the bus station) or by bus№829 from the “Krylatskoye” subway station to the “Ice Sport Palace” stop. The hotel building is located behind the ice palace (approximately 7 min on foot).
How to get to the hotel from the Crocus Expo International Exhibition Centre (66th km of MKAD)
From “Myakinino” subway station to the “Molodezhnaya” subway station (3 stops), then by bus №229 to the “Ice Sport Palace” stop. The hotel building is located behind the ice palace (approximately 7 min on foot).
How to get to the hotel from the Central Exhibition Center Expocenter
From the “Vystavochnaya” subway station to the “Molodezhnaya” subway station (20 min), then by bus №229 to the “Ice Sport Palace” stop. The hotel building is located behind the ice palace (approximately 7 min on foot).
How to get to the hotel from the Bakoulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
From the “Cherepkovo” bus stop bythe bus №127б 626 or from the bus stop “Institute named by Bakoulev” by the bus №660 to the “Molodezhnaya” subway station (15 min), then by bus №229 to the “Ice Sport Palace” stop. The hotel building is located behind the ice palace (approximately 7 min on foot).
Voyage Park Hotel offers favorable cooperation terms.
We respect and value our tourist partners.
Working with us is always interesting and profitable.
If you wish to conclude a contract, please send the request in any format you like to the or call +7(499)140-3246
We are ready to cooperate on mutually beneficial terms. We use a personalized approach.
Our hotel will let you forget about a busy and noisy megalopolis!