Payment information
To pay with your bank card
- Select “Visa, MasterCard” as a payment method, then click “Buy”
- On the Authorization Page enter Card Number, Card Owner, Card Expiration Date and Card Verification Number (CVV2 for VISA, CVC2 for Master Card). All necessary data is printed on the card itself. Card Verification Number is 3 numbers on the back of the card.
- Select “Pay”. If everything was correct then the payment will be performed in a couple of seconds. To perform payment you will need to enter your credit card information (PIN CODE is not required). The procedure of entering your card information is safe and well protected. Information will be transferred to the authentication Bank server only via a secure channel (protocol SSL 3.0). In case your card supports 3DSecure technology during operation, you will be redirected on the page of the Card Issuing Bank for the input of confirmatory security code.
Yandex.Money is a simple and secure way to pay for your goods and services all around the world, to transfer and receive money. Yandex.Money is a simple and secure way to pay for goods and services online. You can pay for your order in real time at the payment system site. The interface of the Yandex.Money payment system is simple and easy both for experienced users and for beginners. To open a Yandex.Money account you simply need to register on the site. Then you need to deposit money into your account. To do so you can use terminals, money transfer system, prepaid cards or banks (including via bank cards) in all Russia's regions. You can use money from your account at any time to pay for goods and services online. Yandex. Money payments are transferred to online stores instantly. Have a look at the account deposit options in your region and open a Yandex.Money account.
It is a simple and secure way to pay for goods and services all around the world, to transfer and receive money.
To perform payment using Webmoney e-wallet you have to:
- Select “Pay” on the store page, then you’ll be automatically redirected to the Webmoney site.
- Select the type of title unit (for example WMR) which will help to make a payment.
- Identify yourself in the system and make a payment. Attention! Goods and services, offered by us as a Merchant are not provided on order or by request of a person or entity, running Webmoney Transfer System. We hereby act as an independent entity providing services and making independent decisions on pricing and offers. Entities, running WebMoney Transfer System do not receive any commission, interest fees or any other awards/refunds for the provided goods or services and are not liable for our activities. Verification, performed by WebMoney Transfer System only confirms the accuracy of our contact details and proves our identity. Verification is performed by our own free will and doesn't mean or show our connection to the commercial activity of WebMoney Transfer System Operators.
It is a simple and secure way to pay for goods and services all around the world, to transfer and receive money. Payment is performed using user’s e-wallet. In order to use this payment method do the following:
- Enter email connected with your e-wallet;
- Confirm bill payment;
- Enter payment password.