Accommodation Rules and Regulations
- Only a properly checked-in guest can be accommodated at the hotel room. For this purpose, the guest shall immediately submit his/her identity card, passport or any other valid identification document (for foreigners – visa or migration card).
- The hotel works 24 hours.
- Accommodation fees should be paid by cash, through a bank according to the services contract or by bank cards (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners Club, etc) in accordance with the valid price list.
- Check-out time is at 12 a.m. (local time). If you check-in from 00:00 to 06:00 you should pay for the full day. If a guest is late to check-out he/she should pay as follows:
- pay per each hour if it’s been less than 6 hours after the check-out time;
- pay per 12 hours if it’s been from 6 to 12 hours after the check-out time;
- pay per full day if it’s been from 12 to 24 hours after the check-out time.
At guests’ request and with consent of administration it is allowed for visitors to stay in the room from 8:00 till 23:00. For this purpose a visitor has to submit his/her identification document and then register at the reception desk.
Guests are obliged to
- Take good care of property and facilities of the hotel;
- Pay in full for loss or damage of any hotel property or equipment;
- Close water taps, switch off electrical appliances and room lighting, and close the windows and to lock the room entrance door when leaving the room;
- Keep the accommodation rules;
- Keep its room in a clean condition, keep the peace and silence;
- Keep fire regulations;
- Take responsibility for visitors in the room;
- Pay in full and in time all extra services provided by the hotel;
- Keep silence after 23:00;
- Submit the room to the hotel maid before check-out.
It is forbidden to
- Let unauthorized persons to stay at the room or to give them the room keys;
- Keep flammable materials, weapons, chemicals and radioactive materials at the room;
- Keep animals in the room;
- Smoke in the room;
- Intrude upon other guests’ leisure.
Administration doesn’t take responsibility for loss of valuables of guests who are staying in the room but breaking the accommodation rules. If lost items are discovered administration takes measures to find its owner.
Administration is authorized to visit guest’s room without approval in case of smoking, fire, flood or breaking accommodation rules by the guest.
The hotel is authorized to terminate a hotel services agreement unilaterally, to refuse to extend the stay at the hotel if the guest breaks the hotel policies.
If a guest has any complaints then the administration takes all measures to resolve the conflict in accordance with the Legislation.
The hotel and the guest rely on the Russian Federation Legislation in case of events not specified by the present rules and regulations.